It's when you buy a shirt that says athletic build and it fits you like a crop top
It's when the captain of the boat asks you to move to the front of the back
It's when coworkers try to arm wrestle you at the company outing
It's when the window and aisle seat passengers death stare you as you're walking bye, manifesting that you don't have the middle seat
It's when you hear your coworker sigh* when you're the last 2 available to partner up for a team bonding physical activity
It's when the grocery bagger doesn't ask if you need help outside
It's when random strangers show you their ID when you're standing outside of the bar cuz they think you're the bouncer
It's when other guys try to give you overly firm handshakes when first meeting you
It's when you're only asked to be the base of a chicken fight in the pool
It's when the term big n beautiful only applies to women
It's when you get a massage and the therapist decides to use the force of Zeus based on your size
It's when you get called aggressive at company bowling for trying to win
It’s when you have to bring your own food on planes because pretzels aren't enough
It’s when the waiter tells you that might not be enough food, and uses their hands to represent the size of the meal